Tag: Tree

  • Plant Profile: Dwarf Sumac (Rhus copallinum)

    Plant Profile: Dwarf Sumac (Rhus copallinum)

    Dwarf Sumac is also known as Winged Sumac due to its unique winged leaf axis. It makes a great ornamental plant due to its bright red leaves in fall and berries that persist into winter. The flowers are popular with bees and butterflies, and the berries are popular with birds. Read more

  • 17 Drought Tolerant Plants for Spring Blooms

    17 Drought Tolerant Plants for Spring Blooms

    Planting native is an excellent way to conserve water because native plants in general need much less water than non-natives. Choosing native plants is a great way to help pollinators, the planet, and your wallet! Here are 17 drought tolerant plants that bloom in the spring to support early pollinators. Read more