Category: Learn

  • What are Keystone Species?

    What are Keystone Species?

    You cannot research native plants without running into the term “keystone species” on almost every page. But what are keystone species? “Keystone Species” is a term popularized by Dr. Doug Tallamy, an entomologist and the author of “Nature’s Best Hope” and “Bringing Nature Home.” Read more

  • Review: Keten 5 Pack Plant Protectors on Amazon

    Review: Keten 5 Pack Plant Protectors on Amazon

    While cages are not required to grow healthy plants, if you have trouble with small animals they can help prevent damage. These plant protecting cages are sturdy, affordable, easy to assemble, and can be customized to your size needs, making them a great option for protecting everything from saplings to seedlings. Read more

  • Monarchs in Crisis: 9 Native Milkweeds You Can Plant to Help

    Monarchs in Crisis: 9 Native Milkweeds You Can Plant to Help

    Monarchs had their second worst year on record this past fall. As their population declines due to habitat loss, increased pesticide use, and climate change, the best thing we can do to help is plant native milkweeds in our yard. Here are 9 milkweed species native to the Southeast that you can plant right now. Read more

  • 17 Drought Tolerant Plants for Spring Blooms

    17 Drought Tolerant Plants for Spring Blooms

    Planting native is an excellent way to conserve water because native plants in general need much less water than non-natives. Choosing native plants is a great way to help pollinators, the planet, and your wallet! Here are 17 drought tolerant plants that bloom in the spring to support early pollinators. Read more

  • Review: The Cheapest 12 inch Tree Pots on Amazon

    Review: The Cheapest 12 inch Tree Pots on Amazon

    If you’re a serial seed starter like me, you may eventually find yourself in need of a decent quantity of 12 inch tree pots. Well, I bought the cheapest pots I could find on Amazon, to see if they’re worth the money so you don’t have to. Read more

  • Experiments with Dwarf Pawpaw Seeds (Asimina parviflora) Part 1

    Experiments with Dwarf Pawpaw Seeds (Asimina parviflora) Part 1

    The main driving force that informs most of my plant choices for my yard is my love of swallowtail butterflies. Zebra swallowtail, one of the more uncommon species of swallowtails, only uses trees in the Asimina genus, otherwise known as Pawpaws, as a host. Read more