
My name is Emily. In 2020, my husband and I bought our first house, which had zero landscaping beyond turf grass, invasive privet and japanese honeysuckle, and a few sweetgum trees. I started researching how I could attract more pollinators to our yard, because our yard in its current state was basically a wasteland, and everything kept pointing me to growing native plants. I spent hours and hours researching what to grow and how to grow it. After so much planning, a lot of hard labor to remove the invasive plants, and a decent chunk of money, in the summer of 2021, I planted my first flower bed….and everything died.

Several years have passed since that fateful summer, and I have learned a lot from the mistakes I made. This website grew out of a desire to help others avoid making the same mistakes as me and to compile and share information about how to grow native plants. This is my passion project. I’ve spent hours and hours compiling information about individual plant species that was originally spread across many different websites and forums, and I realized there was no point in keeping that information to myself.

I’m based out of Georgia so the plants and advice I feature on here are distinctly geared towards gardeners in the Southeast United States, though I believe everyone in the US can benefit from this information. I hope you find this website useful, and I hope I can help you skip the researching and get straight to planting.

About Me

I’m Emily, the creator and author behind this blog. When I first started trying to attract pollinators to my yard, everything pointed to native plants. I had to spend hours and hours researching what to grow because there was no central hub of information for new gardeners like myself. So I decided to create it. I hope my website helps you skip the research and get straight to planting.

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