Plant Profile: Sandhill Milkweed (Asclepias humistrata)

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Also known as Pinewoods Milkweed, Sandhill Milkweed is a unique species that tends to sprawl along the ground and prefers growing in sandy soils or dry pine barrens. Alongside its pretty blooms, this milkweed has interesting leaves that turn almost purple as they age and bear pink to lavender veins. Due to its preference for dry conditions and its long taproot, Sandhill milkweed is drought and heat tolerant.

©Florida Fish and Wildlife/Flickr

Care requirements:

Light requirements: Full Sun

Water requirements: Low

Soil requirements: Dry, well-drained

Bloom time: March-June

Bloom color: Pink, White

Height: 1-3 feet

Width: 1-3 feet

USDA Zone: 8-10

Larval host: Monarch, Queen butterflies

Other notes: This milkweed will rot if grown in overly moist or nutritive soils. While this milkweed prefers sandy environments, it cannot tolerate salt spray or brackish water. It does not transplant well and is best grown from seed.

Do you have Sandhill Milkweed growing in your garden? Do you have any tips or tricks for growing it you would like to share? Do you know of any Southeastern nurseries that regularly stock it? Let us know in the comments!

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I’m Emily, the creator and author behind this blog. When I first started trying to attract pollinators to my yard, everything pointed to native plants. I had to spend hours and hours researching what to grow because there was no central hub of information for new gardeners like myself. So I decided to create it. I hope my website helps you skip the research and get straight to planting.

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