Plant Profile: Smooth Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium)

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Viburnums in general are beloved by wildlife. Pollinators flock to the blooms and birds love the berries. Viburnum prunifolium is a beautiful shrub or small tree that provides 3 seasons of interest. They bloom profusely in the spring, are covered in edible blue-black berries in the summer, and sport bright red foliage in the fall.

A photo of the blooms on smooth blackhaw virburnum/viburnum prunifolium.
©Katja Schulz/Flickr

Care requirements:

Light requirements: Full sun-part shade

Water requirements: Low-Medium

Soil requirements: Medium, well-drained

Bloom time: April-June

Bloom color: White

Height: 12-15 feet

Width: 6-12 feet

USDA Zone: 3-9

Larval host: Spring/summer azure butterfly; Green marvel, pink prominent moth

Other notes: Smooth Blackhaw may rarely grow to 30 feet tall. While it can tolerate full sun with adequate moisture, part sun/shade is ideal and it flowers best with around 6 hours of sunlight. You will need at least 2 plants for best berry production. Leaves turn red in fall. You can grow Smooth Blackhaw in deep shade but it will rarely bloom. It tolerates pruning well but prune immediately after flowering; next year’s flower buds form in summer.

Do you have Smooth Blackhaw viburnum growing in your garden? Do you have any tips or tricks for growing it you would like to share? Do you know of any Southeastern nurseries that regularly stock it? Let us know in the comments!

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I’m Emily, the creator and author behind this blog. When I first started trying to attract pollinators to my yard, everything pointed to native plants. I had to spend hours and hours researching what to grow because there was no central hub of information for new gardeners like myself. So I decided to create it. I hope my website helps you skip the research and get straight to planting.

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